After a spectacular crash-landing on an uncharted planet, brash astronaut Leo Davidson finds himself trapped in a savage world where talking apes dominate the human race. Desperate to find a way home, Leo must evade the invincible gorilla army led by Ruthless...
Planet of the Apes
In the film, Solo is a down-on-his-luck writer who is encouraged by his psychiatrist to get a dog. Solo meets his love interest, who he assumes to be a dog owner when meeting her at a dog play park, but dog problems stand in their way.
The Dog Problem
A former kickboxer returns to his fighting ways when he encounters a gang in Guam.
Max Havoc: Curse Of The Dragon
Believing that bad karma is keeping him from realizing his dream, hip clothing designer Amer Atrash (Philippe Caland) attempts to orchestrate salvation -- with unexpected results -- in this indie drama. Pushed to the edge of financial disaster and facing marit...
Ripple Effect
When Bill Sullivan spends the last night of Mr. Phil's Bar hanging out with his friends, drinking, sex and murder ensue. Last call takes on a whole new meaning.
You Can't Have It
A no-nonsense cop has a flair for fashion and a celebrity takes revenge on the paparazzi in a collection of comedic sketches.
InAPPropriate Comedy
Another Day in Paradise (2016) Twin girls spend the summer working as life guards at a water park, while helping their widowed dad to come to terms with their mom's death.
Another Day In Paradise