A magical love story involving a man who lives his life like a ghost and a country girl that falls in love with him. On a rural mountain in Jumunjin, South Korea a girl named Jina (Hwang Bo-Ra) runs a mountain lodge. The place is soon set to close down becaus...
After the unusual attack on a school 'flower boy', Sung-min, on February 14, the same attacks begin to happen at different high schools on every month of the same day. Rumors say that the next victims will be at Neulparan High School.
Attack on the Pin-Up Boys
Super Junior World Tour - Super Show
Eating crayfish is more about eating crayfish, do you know? Divided into old school and new school. The representative of the old school is an old self-proclaimed lobster physiotherapist. He created lobster to soothe the mind, and the secret recipe of love tre...
My Kitchen Lover