Follows Liza, who retreats to a '70s variety show in her mind as she struggles to cope with the impending death of her mother, trying to work through parts of their past without losing herself in the process.
Mother of All Shows
When the beloved mayor of Shoulder announces his retirement, ambitious Archie Fenton returns to his quirky hometown to run for office. Unfortunately, tow truck driver Reg also wants the job, pitting the former childhood friends against each other.
Running Mates
The Bounce
Returning to boxing class after a traumatic event, Sheila has a tough time coping with a classmate's far-from-selfless efforts to express her concern.
A group of children kidnap the legendary Christmas Witch, and put her on trial as a means of banishing her annual judgments.
The Christmas Witch Trial of La Befana
Kent Weston lives in the not-too-distant future. He is more organized than a day planner and more regimented than a Marine when his goals of dating his pretty co-worker Allison are thrown into disarray with the arrival of Adam, an all-too-human robot.
Run Robot Run!