At 11:30pm on October 11, 1975, a ferocious troupe of young comedians and writers changed television forever. This is the story of what happened behind the scenes in the 90 minutes leading up to the first broadcast of Saturday Night Live.
Saturday Night
After a fifteen-year-old is brutally beaten up by High School bullies, his wish for revenge unknowingly unleashes the Terror of Halloween.
The Terror of Hallow's Eve
A determined teenage boy struggles to find acceptance within the Jr. Lifeguards of Hermosa Beach while juggling relationships and challenges in the summer of 1986.
Age of Summer
Set in 2006, the band Stylo and the Murder Dogs score a shot to play on the local news. But as all of their dreams start to become reality, the band's egocentric singer-songwriter threatens to make them lose everything.
Teenage Badass
Lawrence, 3 months on the run, is living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere when a masked man pays him a visit.
Take My Hand O'Precious Lord