About a family shouldering an unexpected responsibility when Alzheimer's disease strikes their grandmother. The superb cast portrays this serious and realistic situation with heart-warming compassion, stressing the importance of empathizing with the victims of...
Katsu (Mitsuko Baisho) is a 73-years-old woman. She often makes trouble with her biting remarks. While raising a daughter alone, Katsu was unable to live the life she wished for. One day, Katsu goes to a photo studio and takes a picture. She leaves the photo...
Sing My Life
Against the bosses of the underworld that dominate Yokohama, Kobe, and Hong Kong, ace Joe, who plays an invincible gunman, shows off his transcendent gunplay! The third installment of the business series.
Joe of Aces: Give and Take
Abare inu is a 1965 action-comedy film directed by Kazuo Mori. It is the fourth film in the series.
Rampaging Dog