Depression era story of a young woman trapped in an abusive marriage who finds grace in the friendship of her neighbor, and hope in the love of a traveling salesman. Garnering awards at festivals all over the world, Tom's Wife offers a glimpse into the scope o...
Tom's Wife
Ambitious psych major Molly White is on top of the world as she preps for her grad program entry exams. After celebrating with boyfriend Brady, Molly finds her roommate Emma crying after an incident she had with her boyfriend Adam. The next morning, Molly is s...
Suicide Note
Spoiled 21-year-old Luce Lockhart faces a tough decision when a handsome new friend asks her to help protect a dog park from her wealthy employer.
A Dogwalker's Christmas Tale
When unsuccessful actress Clarissa returns to her hometown for a wedding and tries to impress her old friends by claiming she's dating big time celebrity Chas Hunter, she suddenly finds herself in a comically false engagement when her lies go public and Chas d...
Accidentally Engaged
In the near future, a ruthless corporate executive hires a criminal to kidnap a mysterious business rival. But somehow, somewhere, something goes wrong. Or does it?
The Next
Nerdy high school senior Dizzy Harrison has finally gotten lucky -- after purposely getting expelled, he takes lessons in 'badass cool' from a convict and enrolls at a new school. But can he keep up the ruse?
The New Guy