It is not just a story of four remarkable blind teenagers who know each other in a world without light, but also the story of a mother who struggles to help her son to rediscover the joy of life and his world after claimed to be blind. In Special School, Jing...
Toni, Aghi, Bubu, and Saras get the task of making essays. They create a free school for street children but they chose to earn money than learn.
Stip & Pensil
Three women from three different social, economic, and ethnic groups discuss their lives in polygamous household.
Love for Share
Adapted from a novel with the same title by Agnes Davonar about the love story of a teenager named Rasya with Eva, a prostitute.
Bidadari Terakhir
A teenager reluctant to enroll discovers the importance of friendship and the determination it takes to pursue his dreams at a boarding school.
Negeri 5 Menara
8 members of JKT48 got lost in the zoo, and when they return to theatre, they find out that their theatre has been taken by Miss Kejora, who create a rival group. They must find a way to get the theatre back,
Viva JKT48