Set in a rustic village near Hyderabad, this evocative story follows three college-bound friends, their youthful joys, and the loss of cherished ancestral land. A gripping family drama unfolds, unveiling a village leader's sinister conspiracy.
Matti Katha
Mây, a fourteen year-old girl is being married as the third wife to a rich landowner in the late 19th century Northern Vietnam. A black & white version of The Third Wife with no dialogue and new music.
Between Shadow and Soul
Two actresses compete with each other for roles, allowing career and personal jealousy to influence their judgment, resulting in terrifying consequences.
Like a poem of this beautiful city, four love stories happen in Saigon will show you how lovely Saigonese and their Love could be.
Saigon, I Love You
Though only 14 years old, May is selected to be the third wife of a wealthy landowner. Her new home seems idyllic, her husband favours her, and she quickly becomes pregnant with what she is certain will be the desired male progeny. But trouble is quietly brewi...
The Third Wife
Xóm Trọ 3D
Battle Of The Brides 2
I Am Mine