Just as the disheveled and alcoholic filmmaker Ismaël embarks on a difficult new film project, his life is sent into a tailspin. His wife Carlotta, presumed dead for 20 years, come crashing back into his life creating chaos in his work and his current romantic...
Ismael's Ghosts
Mathieu owes everything to his friend Vincent : his house, his job, and even his life, ten years ago. With their wives, they are an inseparable quartet, and live the easy life on the French Riviera. But Mathieu discovers Vincent is cheating on his wife.
Breaking Point
Jezebel is a nihilistic artist who hides her fragility by living a fast-paced, promiscuous lifestyle. After attending her father's funeral, the sultry temptress finds herself attracted to David, a handsome, earnest young priest. While David wrestles with the e...
The Maneater
When Antoine returns to the island of Noirmoutier, secrets kept in the past resurfaces and threatens to change his family’s present.
When Norwegian scientist Marie attends a seminar in Paris on the actual weight of a kilo, it is her own measurement of disappointment, grief and, not least, love, that ends up on the scale. Finally Marie is forced to come to terms with how much a human life tr...
1001 Grams
Sexual tension rises between two women as the wall which separates their appartments is crumbling.
Un Si Petite Distance
They are possessive, benevolent, clumsy, absent, omnipresent, overwhelmed, guilty, indulgent, loving, fragile, in full possession of their wits, or losing their heads. Alive or already a memory. They are mothers, and it’s their party.
All About Mothers