A haunting fairy-tale thriller set between snowy landscapes and a neon city. A KINKY SLICE OF PULP-SATIRE! The film is laced with pitch black humor - and doesn't take itself too seriously - you shouldn't either - nods and winks to many previous pulp/exploita...
No Right Turn
A Short Film by Lars Ostenfeld. Inspired by Hans Christian Anderson's fairytale, this Danish film tells the story of a Christmas tree from a most unusual angle - through the 'voice' of the tree itself. The tree has big ambitions, doing everything it can to gr...
The Fir Tree
In a grey kitchen Monika lives a solitary life, to the sounds of a dripping water tap and a buzzing housefly. Monika is seducing the housefly, when a sad stranger suddenly surprises her by entering the wrong door.
Heavy Heads
In 1972, disenchanted about the dreary conventions of English life, 25-year-old Julia heads for Morocco with her daughters, six-year-old Lucy and precocious eight-year-old Bea.
Hideous Kinky