On her wedding night, a young woman conceives a child during an hallucinatory encounter. Several years later, as her friends and family begin to behave strangely, she pieces together clues that lead to one conclusion...her son is the Antichrist
The Calling
Martin Urban, a young accountant, is gay but unwilling to own up to this fact because he desperately wants to be the ideal son for his parents. When he wins a fortune on the football pools, he decides to give half of it away to deserving people. But he neglect...
Dead Lucky
A lone hitch hiker, marooned near a housing estate, has a dramatic effect on the lives of those around him.
A costume drama / satire about financial skull-duggery, and confidence tricksters in both the upper and lower classes in Victorian London. A working class man impersonates a lord who is supposedly very rich and a financial wizard. As such he is invited to all...
The Fool
The doomed marriage of the Prince Regent and Caroline of Brunswick.
A Royal Scandal
After her adoptive mother dies, Hortense, a successful black optometrist, seeks out her birth mother. She's shocked when her research leads her to Cynthia, a working class white woman.
Secrets & Lies
A short horror film by director Mariano Baino about a female vampire.
Rose and Antonia are two old friends who meet up again after the second world war. Unhappy in their relationships, they plan to 'accidentally' murder each others husbands.
Dead Gorgeous
A terrifying love triangle. An original twist on a story of divided loyalties, the perils of love and ultimate death. A haunting tale set in a London at times beautiful and ugly, but always captivating. A story that plays with the shadows and light of an under...
Mr In-Between