From the moment Shakespeare wrote his first fart joke, audiences have loved gross-out humor. In this 'Starz Inside' documentary, take a trip through the history of taboo-busting comedy that began with slapstick and led to the most notorious Internet video in h...
Starz Inside: In the Gutter
DEAD TEENAGER MOVIE is a short-format documentary examining a specific sub-genre of teen slasher films; namely the Dead Teenager Movie - a term coined by movie critic, Roger Ebert. Through the use of interviews with cultural professors, film historians, direct...
Dead Teenager Movie
Revealing, intimate documentary spotlighting the Hollywood horror community.
The Horror Crowd
Starting off as a brief history of horror and slasher films, various people take about Hammer films, Herschell Gordon Lewis, and various other notable horror films. Moving onto the original "Final Destination", and the particapents go on to part 2.
Bits and Pieces: Bringing Death to Life