The story of Robert Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan, who became fast friends during their youth in Germany. With Rob coming from a broken home and Fabrice having left an abusive household, they shared a similar upbringing, as well as a future goal: to become famous...
Milli Vanilli
The crazy story of two fancy boys, a French and a German, models and dancers, who won a Grammy award in 1990 just by moving their lips: the rise and fall of the Milli Vanilli duo. Playback singers, lies and video clips.
Milli Vanilli: From Fame to Shame
Flamboyantly gay Austrian television reporter Bruno stirs up trouble with unsuspecting guests and large crowds through brutally frank interviews and painfully hilarious public displays of homosexuality.
Dancers Pilatus and Morvan rise to fame in the late 80's who become stars with No.1 hits and won a Grammy. The duo never sang a word in their songs and when the truth was revealed they starred one of the biggest scandals in music history.
Girl You Know It's True