Fifth-grader Andy finds himself without a present from Santa on Christmas morning. Realizing he must have landed on the “naughty list” and feeling unfairly maligned, Andy pulls together a team of eight other naughty-listers to help him execute an elaborate hei...
The Naughty Nine
Angela West has always wanted a family, and now has one with her husband Keith. When an ex-boyfriend starts stalking her, Angela turns to Keith, but no matter what she tries, she can't seem to shake the stalker who is ruining her life.
I Won't Let You Go
Former childhood friends are bequeathed a restaurant where they met as teens on one condition: they must be married to claim the inheritance. Both single, the race is on to find the "one" but sometimes it can be right in front of you.
The Wedding Rule
A young woman commits murder to keep her classmates' social media careers under her thumb. After killing a popular friend, she turns her sights on a new girl, but the girl's mother suspects the truth and will fight to protect her daughter.
Deadly Influencer
When food correspondent, Carly, gets a shot at her own show, she is sent to Angel Heights to help Grant open his diner and film it as a Holiday special for her TV show. Will Grant and Carly open their hearts too?
Christmas à la Carte