The true story of a Prussian aristocrat working for German military intelligence during World War II, who, with a group of fellow devout Christians, plotted to assassinate Hitler with a bomb in his briefcase.
Witness Against Hitler
Shakespeare's Richard II recorded live at the Grand Theatre in Swansea, performed by the English Shakespeare Company as part of the complete Historical Octology.
Richard II
Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1 recorded live at the Grand Theatre in Swansea, performed by the English Shakespeare Company as part of the complete Historical Octology.
Henry IV: Part 1
Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 2 performed by the English Shakespeare Company as part of the complete Historical Octology.
Henry IV: Part 2
Shakespeare's Henry V, performed by the English Shakespeare Company as part of the complete Historical Octology.
Henry V
First part of an adapted version of Henry VI as performed by the English Shakespeare Company as part of the complete Historical Octology.
Henry VI: House of Lancaster
Second part of an adapted version of Henry VI as performed by the English Shakespeare Company as part of the complete Historical Octology.
Henry VI: House of York
Shakespeare's Richard III, performed by the English Shakespeare Company as part of the complete Historical Octology.
Richard III