Follows the real life events of Gudinski’s life spanning a 50-year period, from starting his own independent record company to becoming a major international player and household name in Australia – a rollercoaster ride of iconic artists, classic albums and me...
Ego: The Michael Gudinski Story
The Australian music company and home to Kylie Minogue, Jimmy Barnes, Paul Kelly, Hunters and Collectors, Skyhooks and many more, celebrate its 50th anniversary with an all-star mega concert.
Mushroom 50th Anniversary Concert Live
An engrossing portrait of the rise and untimely demise of David McComb, the virtuosic frontman of Australian rock band The Triffids.
Love in Bright Landscapes
Robbie and his girlfriend, Amy, are among a group of students who play their private night games in the romantic thriller that catapulted Kidman to center stage. On screen throughout, Kidman discovers what will happen when a friendly game becomes real life .....
A chronological history of one of the most influential bands to come out of Australia, the Go-Betweens.
The Go-Betweens: Right Here
An intimate portrait of Paul Kelly, Australia's foremost singer-songwriter. In a career spanning more than thirty years he has documented the history of our country, described its landscapes and cities, and captured the lives and loves of its citizens. Kelly h...
Paul Kelly: Stories of Me
One of Australia's most loved songwriters, Paul Kelly, makes his long-awaited return, performing live from the forecourt of the Sydney Opera House.
Paul Kelly Live at the Sydney Opera House
Based on the true story of a young girl who went missing in the Australian outback in 1932.
One Night the Moon
The making of Lantana, a 2001 Australian drama film directed by Ray Lawrence and starring Anthony LaPaglia, Kerry Armstrong, Geoffrey Rush and Barbara Hershey.
The Nature of Lantana
Prisoner Joe writes a letter to his brother Dan about wanting to be with family at Christmas, lamenting how he can't make the gravy for the roast and how much he misses everyone. Based on the iconic Australian song by Paul Kelly.
How to Make Gravy