Victor, a father, travels the roads with his teenage son, Felix. For Felix, the trip is a school of life, as his first romantic encounter helps him better understand his father and get closer to him.
Side Roads
Raphaël, a draughtsman, and Margot, a prima ballerina, love each other passionately. But they learn that Margot suffers from an incurable disease.
Quand je vois le soleil
In a time of war and disease, a young officer gallantly tries to help a young woman find her husband.
The Horseman on the Roof
Narcoleptic Finnish naturist as beautiful as Venus is on vacation in Southern France with her husband. She goes for a walk in the field naked and gets lost. A local kid takes her to his village to help her as well as brag to his friends.
Venus and Lulu
A TV weather girl is torn between an older man, a famous married author whom she loves but who won't leave his wife, and a semi-deranged young heir to an industrial fortune who loves her.
A Girl Cut in Two
A small village lies peacefully nestled in the hills beneath the Provence sun... until the arrival of an odd group of vacationers. Who are these gorgeous young women from the big city strolling on the village square under the watchful eye of a chaperone as be...
The Cocottes