Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, an Indiana Jones-style adventurer looking to make a fortune in exotic antiquities. After Hawk discovers a mysterious sword in Africa, a band of Satan-worshipping monks kidnap his ex-girlfriend Lorelei, demanding the sword as ra...
Armour of God
Lucky Stars Go Places, also known as The Luckiest Stars, is a 1986 Hong Kong action comedy film directed by Eric Tsang. It is the fourth film in the Lucky Stars series. It was an attempt to combine the original Lucky Stars troupe with the similar action comedy...
Lucky Stars Go Places
Lui Tai, an Interpol agent, is assigned to protect the Daka Lama, a famous religious leader who's targeted for death by a militant Japanese terrorist group. When the Daka Lama is injured, Lui Tai embarks on a quest to find a suitable blood donor.
The Last Blood
Law and Chan are gamblers and friends. Forced into a battle with the Yakuza, How far will friendship go? A high stakes card game will settle it all.
Casino Raiders
"Here Comes Fortune" is about the God of Fortune coming down from heaven to spread some love and wealth to humans in need. The movie is developed by talking about stories which took place in three cities: Shenyang, where a kind-hearted teacher is willing to gi...
Fortune King Is Coming to Town!
The epic film is about the 1911 Hunaghua gang uprising and the 72 revolutionaries that were involved.
72 Heroes
Two policemen must pretend to be a gay couple in order to investigate the murders of homosexuals in Hong Kong.
Pantyhose Hero
Eternal 25 year-old Alan Tam is a wimpy triad boss who must avenge his dad because he had a heart attack after losing at cards to a pretty cat burglar. For help, he enlists Drunk Shooter, HK’s ace gunman, who’s also an incredible souse. Problem: Christy ripped...
97 Aces Go Places
A Devil Wears Prada comedy and Meryl Streep’s role played by Chinese actor Alan Tam, best-selling 80s pop singer from Hong Kong. Zhou Xiaohui is a rising star in journalism that won professional recognition from Alex and joined Ming Shang Magazine three years...
Sleepless Fashion
As part of a sociology experiment, Brigitte Lin tries to get lower-class playboy Alan Tam to fall in love with her. Not only does he fall for her, but he finds it impossible to return to his playboy life.
The Other Side of Gentleman
Polygram Forever Live 2013
Eric Tsang and stars are back with another entry into the "I Love Hong Kong" franchise this Chinese New Year with a story that is set in the 1970s, a decade of economic growth and prosperity for Hong Kong and the citizens.
I Love Hong Kong 2013
Nobody else but the absolute king of Canto-pop Alan Tam joined forces with everybody's favorite Hacken Lee to deliver the incomparable 'Alan & Hacken Combo Tour'! The superstar combination offered a marvelous unforgettable show that presented them in vibra...
Alan Tam & Hacken Lee Live Concert 2003
Two talented singers of the times stand side by side to provide you with incredible LIVE hits! Drawing fans to their exceptional new "2004 Concert" like a magnet, the talented artists bombarded their fans with good-sounding tunes once more! Now you can view a...
Alan Tam & Hacken Lee 2004 Live