A sketch and variety show hosted by the Smosh Family that aired live on December 15, 2022 on Kiswe. Similar to its predecessor, Under The Influence, it featured holiday-themed sketches and shows from across the Smosh channels with the added twist of everyone g...
Smosh: Under the Mistletoe
After being dumped by Philip, her one true love, the infatuated Nessa enrolls at his private school in the hopes of winning him back.
Dear Lemon Lima
A pterodactyl is on the loose during the World's Largest Hot Air Balloon festival. Based on a true story.
Terrordactyl: Extinction USA
Smosh: Under The Influence was live sketch and variety show that was hosted by the Smosh Family and aired on June 30, 2022 via Kiswe, a livestreaming and live experiences platform. It is Smosh's first livestream show since Smosh Live in 2016. The livestream fe...
Smosh: Under the Influence
Smosh reawakens their breakout series [Blank] is Dead: The Funeral Roast for a night to DIE for! Anthony Padilla will Roast in Peace, and all of your favorite Smosh friends will be at his "Funeral" to make it so. With a musical halftime show, YouTuber guests,...
Anthony is Dead: The Funeral Roast
Benjamin is a young queer millennial actor living in West Hollywood who was once a famous child actor. When a new neighbor Chase moves across the hall and reveals himself as a fan, Benjamin begins investigating the oddly familiar man with his best friend Harle...
Howdy, Neighbor!
The very first Smosh live stream with sketches and challenges performed live by Ian, Anthony, Olivia, Noah, Courtney, Keith, and Shayne.
Smosh Live!
An elementary school principal and a third grade teacher find romance...
A Sort of Homecoming tells the story of Amy, a New York news producer who thought she left her high school experiences long in the past. She unexpectedly returns to Louisiana at the request of her high school debate coach. Their strained reunion brings back me...
A Sort of Homecoming
A live streamed parody of your classic multicam sitcom but the cast is surprised by last minute lines, prop mishaps and improvised bits chosen by YOU.
Smosh: The Sitcom LIVE
Mickey Dougherty has a crush on Oscar, the son of the wealthy family next door. Oscar has a crush on Mickey's sister, Tina. Fearing a burglary, Oscar's mother asks the Dougherty family to house-sit while they're at their daughter's wedding. Linda makes it clea...
The Violation
Worlds collide in more ways than one in this stunning collection. Confidence is violated, classes clash and desire is concealed, yet love still triumphs regardless of the consequences. Boys On Film 14: Worlds Collide features nine new, powerful, and dramatic s...
Boys on Film 14: Worlds Collide