The architecture student Estela (Silvia Aguila) makes a suicide attempt after her plans for solving Havana's housing shortage are rejected. This brings her into contact with earthy, cynical hospital nurse Ernesto (Jorge Perugorria). Estela invites him home for...
Vertical Love
Story about family disintegration and the trauma caused by Lucy, having an occasional "affair" with a young man whom the family has used as a companion for their son. Infidelity and betrayal result in unhappiness for the Crowns throughout their lives.
Lucy Crown
Meet Chala, an eleven year-old boy with a hard life and strong respect for Carmela, his sixth grade teacher. The pair develops a solid bond, but after Carmela suffers an accident, things get complicated…
Night of the Innocents
In the manner of a well run Greek tragedy, leaving aside one of its components, dragging in its passing narrative certainty by the viewer that violent death is the hallmark of so much misfortune purifier, Los Dioses Rotos crowns the very successful arrival of...
Los dioses rotos