Six years in the making, this documentary film follows outspoken indie-rock hero Bob Forrest, through his life-threatening struggle with addiction, to his transformation into one of the most influential and controversial drug counselors in the US today. BOB AN...
Bob and the Monster
Velvet Revolver is an American hard rock supergroup consisting of former Guns N' Roses members Slash, Duff McKagan, and Matt Sorum, alongside Dave Kushner formerly of punk band Wasted Youth and Stone Temple Pilots vocalist Scott Weiland. Rock Am Ring Nürburg...
Velvet Revolver - Rock am Ring
Stone Temple Pilots, the hard rock sensation based south of Los Angeles, taped a performance for "MTV Unplugged" in New York City in November of 1993. Band members Weiland (vocals),Robert DeLeo (bass),Dean DeLeo (guitars) and Eric Kretz (drums) perform a roc...
Stone Temple Pilots: MTV Unplugged 1993
This episode of VH1 Storytellers is broadcast on November 22, 2000 to coincide with the release of the tribute album Stoned Immaculate: The Music Of The Doors. All of the performers joining The Doors on this program also appear on the album. This performance w...
The Doors: A Celebration - VH1 Storytellers
Scott Weiland fronts Stone Temple Pilots performing at the Metropolis Studios, in New York, NY, USA, on March 8th, 2000, for Storytellers, a television music series produced by the VH1 network.
Stone Temple Pilots: VH1 Storytellers
Stone Temple Pilots at Parque Brasil 500, Paulínia, Brazil Crackerman Wicked Garden Vasoline Heaven and Hot Rods Between the Lines Big Empty Silvergun Superman Plush Interstate Love Song Big Bang Baby Sex Type Thing Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper He...
Stone Temple Pilots: [2011] SWU Festival
Stone Temple Pilots at Flughafen Niederrhein, Weeze, Germany Crackerman Coma Vasoline Meatplow Big Empty Piece of Pie Interstate Love Song Hollywood Bitch Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart Plush Down Sex Type Thing
Stone Temple Pilots: [2001] Bizarre Festival
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only. Some stuck to one, some said more, some answered quickly, some thought it through, and some didn't answer at a...
Lennon or McCartney
1.Let It Roll 2.She Mine 3.She Builds Quick Machines 4.Sucker Train Blues 5.Just Sixteen 6.Fall to Pieces 7.Get Out the Door 8.The Last Fight 9.Superhuman 10.Gravedancer 11.Pills, Demons & Etc 12.Slither
Velvet Revoler - Myspace Live Stream
Filmed at a sold out Riviera Theatre in Chicago in March 2010, Alive In The Windy City is the first Stone Temple Pilots live concert to be authorized for video release. The band are in top form and the show both looks and sounds spectacular. The concert was he...
Stone Temple Pilots: Alive In The Windy City
Live Yahoo Monday 27 April 2015 in Yahoo Studios
Stone Temple Pilots - Live In New York
A collection of the bands music videos from 1992 – 2003
Stone Temple Pilots: Thank You - Music Videos
A collection of the bands live performances
Stone Temple Pilots: Thank You - Live Performances
Stone Temple Pilots perform live at the House of Blues on March 15th, 2000
Stone Temple Pilots - House of Blues, LA 2000
Filmed over the last six months of the 2000 Presidential election, Phillip Seymour Hoffman starts documenting the campaign at the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, but spends more time outside, in the street protests and police actions than in th...
Last Party 2000