This retelling of Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist may be populated by drug pushers, pimps and prostitutes, but the book's classic themes remain the same. Caught under the thumb of a lecherous brothel owner, 10-year-old Lee befriends an aspiring musician named A...
Balbuena is a genial illegal immigrant who makes his way to New York City to take a bite out of the Big Apple. But his hopes of finding a better life soon begin to fade as Balbuena encounters one obstacle after another in the hardscrabble, uncaring metropolis.
Nueba Yol
An easygoing, darkly funny film about three friends frunning afoul of the mob, a young woman's escape from her overbearing father, the triumph of young love, and how the consequences of an unfortunate accident can be redeemed by an act of grace.
Day at the Beach
A taxi driver is tasked to transport a package that could put him and his girlfriend in danger.