A young botanist relocates to a small desert town to study an invasive plant species. While out on research, she comes to the aid of a downed plane only to find herself taken captive by an inexperienced drug mule who forces her to lead a trek across the swelte...
Kathryn, a struggling actress and unfulfilled housewife, becomes friendly with her new gardener, Ben. He gives her the attention and sensitivity she craves; however, he is not who he seems.
Private Property
In an effort to reunite with his daughter after a period of absence, a father takes her on a road trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Along the way they encounter some interesting characters and obstacles while sorting out their relationship.
Bleeding Love
A young girl recounts growing up in San Francisco in the '70s and '80s with her gay dad, activist and author Steve Abbott.
Set against the backdrop of the War of the Roses follows Anne and her mother-in-law Morwen, who live a solitary, harsh life on the outskirts of society. But when a man from their past returns, he will set off a sequence of events that become a turning point fo...
The Dreadful