The story of Angela, an ambitious, image-conscious businesswoman working for over-demanding boss Mary. When Angela becomes unexpectedly pregnant at the peak of her career, her life with her divorce attorney husband, Curtis, is turned upside-down.
Baby on Board
A psychological thriller about a married women who has an affair with a charming young man and gets involved in a series of murders not knowing if the killer is her lover or her husband or someone else.
Heart of Stone
Brendan and Darryl have both moved on with their lives following the events at the cabin in the woods; not unscathed however. Coming up on the anniversary, Brendan is still having nightmares that he feels will come true at any moment. His worse fears come to l...
Somebody Help Me 2
Can one act justify a lifetime of wickedness? Explore the darkest confines of the soul from Robert Conway's film, "Redemption." A genre busting Western where there is no law, no good guys; only the bad and worse. Frank Harden is no stranger to the unlawful wes...
Redemption: A Mile from Hell
From the affluent sidewalks of Rodeo Drive and the skies high above Beverly Hills. Can she really get her room mates to do what she wants? When they finally give in to temptation, they start to see a side of Cindy they never imagined.
Roommate Wanted
Five teenagers on a trip get caught up in a murder triangle and must survive to escape the snow filled mountains.
I Know What You Did Last Winter