The film follows the last 4 years life of Grandma Hashima, the last existent from colonial Taiwan, who knows the secrets of "Green Jail," the notorious coal mine before World War II on Iriomote Island, Okinawa, Japan.
Green Jail
Noriaki Tsuchimoto, a documentary filmmaker known for his series films on Minamata disease, travelled to Afghanistan in 1988 for the production of the film "Afghan Spiring", during which he developed alcoholism. In 1996, after several years of hospitalization...
Tsuchimoto Noriaki
Breaking the Silence
Minyoung is a university co-ed living in Seoul. One photograph left to her by her late grandmother brings Minyoung all the way to Japan. And wherever she goes, she finds the enchanting melody of Mozart. The dreams of the people she meets vibrates together with...
Harmonics Minyoung
Fifty years ago, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring warned of the danger of widespread use of pesticides, helping to launch the environmental movement in the US. Around the same time, the US military began to spray defoliants in Vietnam to deny cover to guerrilla f...
Living the Silent Spring
The world after WWII is largely defined as nuclear age. The nuclear energy has been sold as “peaceful” use of atoms, while in essence it is the same as nuclear weapons. The film visits the people and land damaged by pursuit of atomic power both as weapons as w...
Journey Without End: Living in the Nuclear Age
Outside the Great Wall
A film answering "eight questions about Minamata disease," produced for the October 1996 Minamata-Tokyo Exhibition
Minamata Disease Video Q&A
In 2005, sixty years after the end of World War II, the conservative Japanese government is pressing ahead with plans to revise the nation's constitution and jettison its no-war clause, Article 9. This documentary places the ongoing debate over the constitutio...
The Constitution of Japan
Interviews about Japan's deployment of Self-Defense Forces in Iraq collected from Middle Eastern intellectuals, cultural figures, and Palestinians living in refugee camps in March 2004.
Mideast Report
An unusual family portrait questioning the definitions of art, family, and what it means to be disabled. Imamura Hanako is a 22-year-old girl with severe autism. Once a week she attends a painting class, where she paints pictures in oils. Every evening after...